1. Driver License means

2. Suspension means

3. A learner's permit

4. To obtain a duplicate license

5. The basic speed law for a residential area is

6. U-Turn should only be done:

7. If you arrive at an intersection at the same time as another vehicle

8. You cannot legally park within _______ feet of a fire hydrant

9. On a two-way uphill curb parking requires

10. Blue signs indicate

11. When you park your vehicle next to a curb, the back wheel of your car must be ______ inches from the curb

12. You should switch on your headlights if you cannot see ________ feet ahead due to fog, stormy weather or dust.

13. At night, dim your bright headlights on approaching a car before you get within ______ feet

14. If another vehicle foes not dim their lights

15. When entering a street or highway from an alley, private driveway or a private road, you should

16. Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit in a business area is

17. You are following another vehicle, but you may be a little too close. What is a safe following distance?

18. Utah license is renewed

19. The driver license compact

20. Provisional license means

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